Swimming Pool
The pool is for the exclusive use of the Owners and their lessees or house guests in residence. It may be used between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00pm.
Children under the age of twelve (12) must be accompanied by an adult.
Owners and guest are required to abide by the State Sanitary Code which reads, in part, as follows:
“All persons shall take a thorough shower before entering pool. Urination destroys chlorination. Bathers with long hair are to wear caps. Persons with contagious or infectious health conditions (including athlete’s foot diseases) are not permitted in pool. Persons with any oil preparation on the body should not enter pool until oil has been removed with soap and water.”
Owners, lessees and house guests of Owners, may from time to time use the facilities around the pool for entertainment of their guests. The President of Four Terraces, Inc. shall be notified in advance of any such planned use in order to avoid conflicts on dates. The Owners will be held liable by the Association for the restoration of the premises to the condition it was in before it was so used, including the cleaning up of any food, plates, and the like, and for any damage to the facilities or liability for personal injury. Any material violations of this regulation will be cause for future denial of the use of such facilities. No glass ware or goblets shall be used on such occasions; plastic or paper ware may be used instead. Noise levels should be maintained so as to not unduly disturb neighboring members of the community.